
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

UPDATE: Fashion Contest: Theme: Fresh Fruit Fashion


This doll needs a wardrobe!  Enter this new monthly contest.  Each month will be a different theme.

This month the theme is Fresh Fruit Fashion.

Use  Polyvore or Pintrest to create an outfit that fits the theme.  A screen shot will also be accepted.  Here are examples:


To enter, send an email to with the subject: Fashion Contest Theme Fresh Fruit Fashion and include a link to the outfit you have created.

Due DATE EXTENDED:  Submissons are now due by Friday August 7th. Once the contest has ended, the entries will posted and then be voted on in a poll.

Then the winning outfits will be made into clothing for the paper doll.  Winners will also receive an exclusive colored version of the doll and the winning outfits. Number of winners depends on the number of entries. First place winner will get 1 small dress up game (simple drag and drop or arrows) of a paper doll of their choice (small means 1 doll and 5 to 8 items), either from my blog or their personal collection.  First place winner will also receive an exclusive paper doll in an email.

Participants will help chose the next theme for next months contest.  Participants will get to suggest one theme which then will be voted on by poll.   If you have any questions, just comment below.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Katy Keene Dress Up

For whatever reason, I can't seem to embed this game onto the blog so just play it on DA

Art is by Bill Wogan.  Character is by Bill Wogan.  I simple transformed into a dress up game. some outfits are less detailed then others because images used were smaller in scale. paper dolls used were found on pinterest.

I may do another Katy Keene as well as other dress up paper dolls in the future.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bridal Design Then and Now

scalop flower dress

purple star flower dress

blue pearl dress

removed shoes

red heart dress

blue/purple dress (with sailor moon tiara?)

kimono inspired gown

red bow dress

blue suit with cute boots

blue flower dress

poncho dress

Do you recall the set  Well while sorting through paper doll stuff  I came across some wedding dresses I designed as a child for the paper doll.  The set came out in 1993 but I think I got it a few years after that.  I would have been 5 when it was originally published.  I posted the orignal designs and color and redesigns in black and white (I may color later).  I may also do new designs for the doll to see how much my design ability has grown over the years.  Do you have any childhood paper dolls?  Try to recreate them with modern tools and talent.  It's a fun project.  Base doll from the talented artist Tom Tierney.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cedar Wood Doll Repaint Attempt 1

Dolls Original Face

Remove Paint with Acetone (Nail Polish Remover)

Lips with pastel

eyebrow attempt (will change later) and pastel blush
eye attempt 1 acyrlic paint

eye attempt 2 watercolor pencil

clean up and adjustments

Final outcome
I recently purchased a Cedar Wood doll with the intent of trying my hand at repainting.  I loved Cedar's wood texture and hair but hated her face.  First step is removing the factory paint with acetone.  Then I expieremented with pastels for lips and cheeks.  I tried using acyrlic paint for the eyes but found it sorta gooby and hard to smooth out the brush strokes.  I removed the paint and used water color pencil instead.  This is my first attempt at repainting.  I think I've learned a few things.  For example, I found it easier to work on one eye, then switch to the other eye, then go back to the first for layering rather then trying to do both at once.  I have not sealed the doll so I may strip the paint and try again for a better result.  The photos are not the best because I used my camera phone.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Anniversary Cards

National Printing Co







Stanley Dayton


Here are some vintage Anniversary cards from a ebay lot I purchased.  These cards have a wide variety of subjects and techniques.  Most are not dated but a few have written dates inside. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fashion Contest Theme: Fresh Fruit Fashion

This doll needs a wardrobe!  Enter this new monthly contest.  Each month will be a different theme.  This month the theme is Fresh Fruit Fashion. Use  Polyvore or Pintrest to create an outfit that fits the theme.  Here are examples:

To enter, send an email to with the subject: Fashion Contest Theme Fresh Fruit Fashion and include a link to the outfit you have created.

Submissions are due by the end of the month.  Once the month has ended, the entries will be voted on in a poll.  Then the winning outfits will be made into clothing for the paper doll.  Winners will also receive an exclusive colored version of the doll and the winning outfits.  First place winner will get 1 small dressup game (simple drag and drop or arrows) of a paper doll of their choice, either from my blog or their personal collection.  Winners will chose the next theme for next months contest.  If this month has enough participation,  there will be another contest next month with a new theme.  If you have any questions, just comment below.

This has been updated.  Please see the new post

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jennie and Ben

A single page paper doll from Dolls Magazine featuring two cupie like dolls dresses in Midnight Summer's Dream outfits.  This is from August 2004 by the artist Elizabeth Anne Cox.