
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Amy a Peace Doll

This paper doll is by Helen McCook and comes from Doll Castle News magazine July&August 1977.  it is called Amy- A peace doll.(there were a series of 'peace' dolls) A girl in our class at school.    I thought the dress with the flag was appropriate for the upcoming forth of July holiday.  It is a single page but folded in half and stapled, the magazine was smaller at this time.  She has four outfits including a school outfit and some cute dolls!  It is black and white.  I bought a few of these and will scan in more and post them later. (not sure how much later!)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Tillie the Toiler

This newspaper panel features Tillie the Toiler Fashion Parade by Russ Westover.  doll and dress are by Helen Helmes from Osser Minnesota.  This one is dated 4-21-1935.  she has two dresses with a back view, one dress shows the front view.  She has one yellow hat.  Sundays will be newspaper comic dolls such as Tillie, Boots, and Jane Arden.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Angel and Dog Dress Pickup

Please note the following paper doll is topless but not anatomically accurate. Doll like nudity.

Here's another foreign Dress Pickup set called Angel and Dog.  However I believe the character from a old Japanese magical girl show called Magical Princess Minky Momo here  here.  However the colors in the main outfit (image 8) are different from the images online. The book has 8 pages total and a front and back cover and is a punch out cardboard.  It is made in Taiwan by Lang Kuan Co. LTD. I will not be posting as much because I am very busy next week with a holiday.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How Teddy oiled his automobile Fels-Naptha

Here's another single page Fels-Naptha ad paper doll featuring a boy with a dirty outfit and a clean outfit.  It is a copy.  The date says 1927.  The text reads:

"Teddy was out in the garage, oiling his small automobile.  He had often seen Michael, the chauffeur, oil the big car, and he knew just how to go about it.  With the big oil-can that Michael used, and a large greasy cloth, Teddy crawled under his car, just as far as he could.  He oiled the pedals and he oiled the wheels- and he certainly oiled himself!  His clean tan suit was very dirty indeed, when he heard a voice shout- "F'r mercy's sake! Your a sight f'r the angels, Mister Teddy!  Whativer will your mother say, when she sees your nice clean suit all spoiled?" Michael looked very stern in the doorway.  "But Michael," protested Teddy, climbing to his feet "you get just like this when you oil the car."  "Tis different, me lad, for I wear overalls and me wife has a way o' washin' them clean.  Fels-Naptha Soap, she uses.  Better run in and tell your mother to have the laundress use it on your suit, mister Teddy- it'll make all the grease and dirt come out!"

Fels-Naptha will bring extra help to your washday problems- the extra help of good soap and plenty of naptha, working together.  The naptha loosens even greasy dirt- and the soapy suds wash it away.  Fels-Naptha works in machine or tub- in cool, lukewarm or hot water- or when the clothes are boiled. And it's easy on hands!  Next washday- let Fels-Naptha do the hard rubbing!  Order from your grocer today.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Jane Arden's Wardrobe

Here's a male paper doll from Jane Arden's Wardrobe dated 7-24-1938,  In pencil it reads "hi" Calber not sure what this means, perhaps the characters name? He has four outfits, swim trunks,two hats and a cute little dog. 

Also happy father's day. I don't think I've ever done a father's day paper doll, since I'm not great at drawing men.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Barbie lace and dress Dancing Doll

This is a box set from the Colorforms company, it is a 'busy fingers activity toy' as stated on the box.  It features Ballerina Barbie with lace on costumes, which means the clothing is tied onto the doll through the holes in the outfits with a string.  The doll is jointed, with a plastic bit that can be seen in the second photo. Not sure if it complete but the box says seven sets of clothing and there are seven outfits and twelve hats.  The date on the box and doll is 1975.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Totally Minnie

This single sheet paper doll is from Disney magazine and features Minnie Mouse.  I believe this is from 1986. I think this doll may have been use for another set as well, but not sure.  She has two outfits, two hats, some bracelets and accessories. 

Monday, June 15, 2020


I only have this single page, not sure if there was another page.  the paper is discolored from age and now a bit see through.  The doll has 3 outfits, two pairs of shoes and a jacket.  I believe the name says Elizabeth Nygaard but can't quite make out the last name for sure.  this is from Doll Times April Volume 4 Number 4 1984.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jane Arden's Wardobe

This newspaper panel features Jane Arden with three outfits and an ad for buying US savings bonds.  This is dated 2-1-1942.  Sundays will be posting newspaper comic dolls such as Jane Arden, Tillie and Boots.

Friday, June 12, 2020

In old Chicago with colossal studios Randi Reynolds

These two black and white sheets are in my miscellaneous pile, possibly a copy.  I have no idea what it is from, possibly some sort of newsletter?  I can't quite make out the artist signature, possibly last name Bernita.  dated 1985. any information is always welcome.  This is a mystery to me 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Kituk the Eskimo Boy

This cutout sheet features Kituk the Eskimo boy along with a folding sled, dog, and fish and furs. This is from Jack and Jill magazine and I believe the date is Feburary 1962.  The artist Katharine Seidle.  I'm back at work now, which has been weird and a bit crazy.  May not be able to post as often til things calm down.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


This Boots newspaper panel is dated March 22, 1934.  She has four outfits.  The text reads "Easter is just around the corner- and Boots can hardly wait to try on some of her new things-"  full color including a lovely yellow dress with blue cape.  On Sundays I will be posting newspaper comic paper dolls such as Boots, Tillie and Jane Arden.  I will do my best not to post ones I've posted before but sometimes I have trouble keeping track!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Dress Your Doll in Style

This paper doll is from Doll Castle news and would be folded in half and stapled in the middle inside the magazine.  The artist is Pat Stall.  This is from the September October issue from 1971.    The doll is a Bru from 1880's.  She has 6 costumes and a hat.  Doll Castle News is still in publication (I have a subscription) and usually has a paper doll inside each issue.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

50 days of 100

The #100 Day Project is an Instragram challenge to do something crafty each day.  So I do have an Instragram @missmissypaperdolls but I really only use it for posting things like this. Here is day 1-50.  For this project, I made two sisters inspired by vintage 1920s/1930s children's patterns like this one here.  Every day I drew an outfit or accessory for both girls so 66 dresses or 33 for each doll (if i counted right) plus shoes, hats and dolls that have outfits too. After today I will switch over to coloring the set, which will be posted on Instagram and then when it's done, I will post it here. I will aslo try to organize some of the pages better.