So, first off left me begin by updating all of what is going on in my life. I am moving by next month and have been busy packing. This means anything I have not scanned is currently taped up in boxes and will not be scanned until after the move. Also, my mother's office, with the very large scanners, is also moving, so I cannot scan large items for a while either. My projects are put on hold until after the move as well, since I need to spend my time packing. In addition, my work hours are changing, so my post may also change to reflect my new schedule. After the move is complete, I plan on starting an Etsy account to sell some of my vintage collection. I will work on making some of my orignal art available for sale as well. I will still have paper dolls on the blog. I do not sell copies. I've had some emails asking for scans or copies of things in exchange for money. I do not do this. I believe it is a violation of the copyright law to sell scans/copies of things that are not my own art. If you have any questions, always feel free to send me an email.
Continuing on! Here is a paper doll I've designed a while ago. Since I have not had the time to color the doll, I am having a COLORING CONTEST!
Rules are as follows:
One entry per person.
Any medium of choice
Any children participating must ask for parents for permission
Send a jpg. or png. to my email under "Contact" with the heading "Contest Entry"
Do not edit the paper doll, just color
Must include your name
Your colored version will be posted on the blog along with your name
A special colored version of this doll by me emailed to the winners (not posted on blog)
One secret exclusive paper doll by me emailed to the winners (not posted on the blog)
One paper doll request with two outfits done by me
This contest will run until November 15th. This will give me enough time to move. I may extend the date if needed. If you have any questions, please email me at the Contact Me button on the side. There will be three winners as decided by me.