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Can you believe it's almost the end of November? Forgive me if you feel it's too early to post Christmas themed things. Above are 3 Joan Walsh Anglund Children's Pages. Two have cut outs, one has an illustration of a tree. These are from Good Housekeeping magazine (is that still around? Perhaps we should send them paper dolls)
Also, notice to the left of the blog on the upper corner is something new.... Apparently I'm a Top 100 Doll Blog *number 47 I believe* So thanks everyone! I don't know much about Feedspot, the website that gave me the award. Also, if I started a Facebook page, would you guys follow? Lots of other blogs have a Facebook. I just don't know what I would post that isn't different from the blog. Maybe a Facebook group? Idk. Twitter is another option but I've never done Twitter and don't really see the appeal of it.