Monday, September 28, 2020

Drawtober Prompt List

 so... inktober is kinda... scandlous now. So instead, Drawtober!  Here is my prompt list for the month,  i will not post daily but whenever i get time i will scan in what I've done.  I'm going to link it to one of my school projects.

Drawtober 2020

1. Cat

2. Clown

3. Vampire

4. Mummy

5. Zombie

6. Mad scientist

7. Doctor

8. Monster

9. Artist

10. Police officer

11. Firefighter

12. Astronaut

13. Alien

14. Robot

15. Witch

16. Wizard

17. Super hero

18. Spider hero

19. Warrior

20. Race car driver

21. Pirate

22. Ghost

23. Skeleton

24. Pizza

25. Banana

26. Candy

27. Pumpkin

28. Ninja

29. Detective

30. Dragon

31. Dinosaur

1 comment:

  1. Love what you have shared so far. Can't wait until I can see the rest. Stay safe.
