Friday, May 1, 2020

MerMay 2020

Please note the following paper doll is topless mermaid.  She is not meant to be sexual, suggestive, or provocative!  It is not anatomically correct.  But may be considered PG 13 to some.  I made the image small so simply click and open link in new tab to view her at larger scale.

The paper doll has a few tops and hairstyles along with an extra tail. She may have more outfits coming soon.  Mermay is month long celebration of mermaids usually using a drawing prompt list.  I, however, can not commit to drawing mermaids all May due to working on school stuff and continuing the #100dayproject.


  1. This is one of the best mermaids I have seen! Love the ears and the webbed hands. Love the color chosen for the mermaid. Not a glamour doll, but a real mermaid. As for being sexualized, she does not have nipples, so much more a G rating than many mermaids on Pinterest. Would love to see more outfits, maybe along the line of pirates. I just love her! Now, what about some mermen? Blessings from Port Huron, Michigan, at the International Border. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

  2. Super cute! What a fun piece.
