Sunday, May 24, 2020


This is a photocopies of Fels-Naptha magazine advertisements. The doll has one outfit that is 'clean' and she is wearing a 'dirty' outfit.  I don't have a date on this
The text on the first reads
"The welcome that had to be washed away
Helen arrived, all by herself, to visit her Aunt Mary.  Up the steps and into the house she went- to be greeting with hugs and kisses. 'Deary me, you look clean and neat as a a pin!' exclaimed Aunt Mary, taking Helen's bag and coat and hat.  But no sooner had she said the words than in rushed Jerry, the Airedale pup.  leaping and bounding with delight, he planted his muddy front paws on Helen leaving great splotches all over her fresh clean dress. 'Down, Jerry, down!' said Aunt Mary sternly, for just a trace of tears glistened in Helen's eyes.  'You shouldn't say 'how-do-you-do; liek that!' 'He's made my party dress look dreadful for visiting' sniffed Helen.  'Don't you worry about that dear,' said Aunt Mary, smiling. "Fels-Naptha Soap will take out those muddy footprints without any trouble at all.  Why we're been using Fels-Naptha for years to wash little girls' clothes like yours!'"

"Fels-Naptha the golden bar with the clean Naptha odor
Fels-Naptha Soap brings extra help to the to the whole family wash- the extra help of two active cleaners, working together.  Naptha, the safe cleaner that dry cleaners use, blended with good golden soap by special Fels-Naptha process.  The naptha loosens the grime and dirt, the rich, soapy suds wash them away.  Together, they give the extra help that takes the place of hard rubbing. Fels-Naptha works effectively in washing-machines or tub, or when clothes are boiled. It works in cool or lukewarm water- and it's gentle to the hands!  Next wash-day, see that Fels-Naptha brings its extra help to your house.  You can order Fels-Naptha Soap from your grocer."

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